My whole life all my dreams have been like, well, video games or movies. I dream about what I watched on tv that day, or I have strange dreams where I have to stay out of the line of sight of the purple gorillas or I'll get smacked with their clubs. Whatever. They've never really been anything all that cool or unusual. I've had the purple gorilla dream more than once, and there's only ever been one other dream that I've had twice. That one's my favorite to think about. Heehee.
This dream was the most unusual because, like I said, I had it more than once. The unusual part, though, was that the second time I knew what was going to happen. I kept saying, I've had this dream before, but for some reason it was all still real. I had to STOP what was happening. If it's a dream, why should I care. I distinctly remember knowing it was a dream. It was a funny dream. The Joker from Batman, old school Batman of course (the new one wasn't out then :D), was disguised as a girl for some reason, and going out with my brother. The second time, I KNEW it was the Joker and I tried to tell him, but he just wouldn't listen. He was under some kind of influence, because he was being a total jerk, which is very unlike him in any situation. Well, I can't say if the dream ever really ended, but the last thing I remember both times was the Joker's head in the clouds above me yelling at me and telling me to stop trying to ruin all his plans, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure the dream was a little scarier when I was younger, but everytime I remember it I can't help but laughing.
My dreams the past few months, though, have been very strange. Especially the last couple weeks. They're not nightmares by any stretch. I've only ever had one nightmare that I can remember, and that one was when I was on Tylenol. Apparently I'm allergic and it makes me hallucinate. Fun! Hahaha.....
Anyways, the dreams have been a little disconcerting and comforting at the same time. They're not random, they're about things that I've been talking to people about or thinking about a lot lately, but I don't like seeing them visualized. It's one thing to think about something and another thing to experience it. Again. I'm good with not having these things EVER happen in real life. I'm not one for all the phsyciological crap, but apparently something's worrying me. The fact that these dreams have just been lately makes me think it's my moving to Provo.
Not that there's anything wrong with moving out. I'm not all homesick and whiney, well, maybe a little, but I really just don't like being in Provo. Nothing wrong with BYU, just Provo. The people are just....very different. I have a personality that does NOT fit with BYU. While BYU may be the better school for the things I want to do, I don't think that I can ever stay here. I'm switching to the U next semester, much to my relief, and I'm really glad. I've met people who go to the U, and it's a lot more laid back than it is here in Happy Valley. Especially compared to where I live. The people at the Branbury, while nice, definitely have a little issue with pride. Not like I'm the most humble person in the world, but seriously! These people are just kind of condescending sometimes. Again, I admit, I'm also condescending, but I like to think that I'm not this bad. I just feel downright uncomfortable around a lot of the people here. Some people I've met are amazing, and I've become friends with them really quickly. The thing that makes me laugh is that I have found out, in most cases, that those people are also desperate to get out of here. I'm glad I'm not the only one like me.
I'm so excited to move back this summer. I'm going to get a job, which will be new for me, but hopefully good. Also, Clayton (my dance studio) is doing a show this October that I will hopefully get to be in. I would probably cry if I wasn't. I'm so excited about that because I've been looking forward to doing Synergy (the college age group) since last September. I would have to wait an entire year still, but now I have something to look forward to in less than half of one. It's a comforting thought.
Well, I guess all in all, I'm a little perturbed by my dreams, but hopefully once everything is back to the way I feel it should be, they won't bother me as much anymore. I hope that once I'm out of Provo the dreams will stop. It's all fine and dandy to have a bad dream, but now I'm thinking about them all day and that's not distracting AT ALL........
I'm over it! :D
Dude...your posts are long. I'll read it later when I'm not working, er...on break at work. :)
Like I said on the last one, I write them for my own benefit more than yours, so I won't feel bad if you don't read them. Sure, I love getting comments, but I wouldn't read this blog if someone else wrote it. They ARE long. Annoyingly so, but they make me feel so much better after I've written them.
bahaha i love you
have i told you about the dreams i keep having?
about the SAME person EVERYTIME!
annoying or what?
its pretty comforting though
then i just miss him.
did i tell you about the one where taylor beat up my mom with a bat and nate saved her? bahahaha
and yes. your blog is long.
but very interesting
I won't lie that your dream about Taylor is a little worrisome!! Hahaha, and I can totally guess about the dreams you're having now. Silly, you make me happy! :D How long has he been gone now? It's been almost a year hasn't it?
I love dreams. Even bad ones. They are so interesting.
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