Thursday, July 22, 2010

Strange Phenomenon

You know how one day you'll hear a new word that you swear no one has ever used before, but then over the next few days you hear just about everyone use it at least once? All the sudden it's so common and you're so weirded out by the fact that this word must be used all the time and in your entire life you never once paid attention to it. I find this a strange phenomenon.
You know how sometimes in a group, like at work persay, you can go weeks and even months without anyone making a mistake, but then once one person does, everyone else quickly follows suite and makes their own mistake as well. Like at Desert Star, when one person spills it seems like everyone else has to spill at least once before we can go back to normal again. I find this a strange phenomenon.
You know how randomly you'll hear someone say something incorrectly, like adding an extra word into the lyrics of a song, and you think nothing of it until you hear a few other people who are totally unassociated do the same thing as well? Well, maybe this is just something I have noticed and is not so common as the other two, but I've heard a lot of people randomly inserting the word 'the' where it should not go. Twice in my dance group people added 'the' into a sentence in their solo. At Desert Star one of the actors will sing 'the happy trails' instead of just 'happy trails.' I notice it because it takes an extra beat, but I feel like I am the only one noticing it. I find this a strange phenomenon.
What are some random things that you find strange? Things that shouldn't be patterns but are?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shoebox Of Life

I feel the need to vent right now. I've actually been in a great mood today and I've been awfully chatty, which I'm sure is driving certain people nuts, but there's really no helping it is there? Haha, so the thing that's really bothering me at the moment is one of my friends. I love this kid to death, seriously, but sometime he is just so freaking condescending that I want to drop him off on the side of the road and drive off to Disneyland without him. That'd teach him, right?
When I say this kid is condescending, what I mean is that he always acts like I'm the dumbest person alive. I'll make comments that make perfect sense, but he won't understand them. I don't know why, because when I say the same thing to other people, they seem to know exactly what I mean. Maybe this kid just doesn't understand human language very well....or he's just stupid. But he misinterprets half the things I say and just all around thinks I don't ever know what I'm talking about. Then he'll get on a huge kick laughing about it and telling everyone around us that I'm 'really actually a really smart person, so it's soooooo funny!' Ya sure I don't mind you laughing, especially when I really do say something stupid, but when I make actual valid comments that you just don't understand, at least be a man and admit you don't understand instead of pretending like I said something stupid.
What I will never understand is how people can think they know so much about everything. This friend has a certain characteristic that he would like to think makes him more knowledgeable about the world and more open minded than the rest of us. Sometimes he'll say things like he's explaining culture and human behavoir to a 5 year old. Thanks, but I'm not a total idiot. I do understand how people work, but I would LOVE to sit here and listen to you preach about how much you know about everybody.
He talks about how people are so judgemental all the time, but then we'll drive past someone and he'll immediately say 'oh that person's (insert adjective here).' I'll disagree and he'll go on this huge rampage about how he knows because 'there was this one time where I met this one person who did this and now I feel like I know EVERYTHING about it.'
The worst was the other day when we were talking about relationships. There were a few of us talking about something and I commented on how I didn't think it was worth all the fuss. This kid pitches a fit because he doesn't agree. All I meant was that I myself would never do this certain thing because I didn't think it was worth the bother and the problems it would cause. He seemed to take personal offense and think that I was saying it was fundamentally wrong or something. Whatever. Then he goes off on a tangent and I sit there thinking 'Oh my gosh shut UP!' Then he said the most annoying phrase in the entire world. He goes, "Hun, when you're actually in a relationship where you like the person this much, you'll understand." What, so I'm too stupid to imagine something? So the minute I'm in a relationship that you deem worthy of your approval, I'll automatically come around to your way of thinking? I see the value in his argument, but that only applies to HIM. I still disagree for MYSELF. I will never change that opinion. And I even specifically said, 'well it doesn't matter if you don't understand or agree with my point, because I know what I'm saying and I don't really mind.' I wasn't disagreeing with him, I wasn't saying he was wrong, and I wasn't in any way, shape, or form being argumentative at all. He just WENT OFF!!! And he does that all the time.
I just want to say, No, you're wrong. Your fashion sense is terrible and you're a condescending jerk.
In all fairness, this is not a big problem and it doesn't actually happen all that often, but I'm gonna have to sit this kid down and have a little chat if we're going to continue being friends. He thinks other people are closeminded and judgemental? What about him? He's the one who thinks I don't understand because I was raised in an LDS family in Utah and thus know 'nothing' about the 'real' world. If only I actually said half the things on my mind.
I love this kid to death, but right now I just want to kick him straight in the face and yell at him.
Vent officially over.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


My brother had his wedding reception yesterday and it went really well. Basically it was my wedding, which is a little depressing because now I feel like I have to do stuff differently (at least a little bit), but I still really enjoyed it. They had it where I wanted (and in all fairness, where I suggested), she had the same colors, she had fish bowls as the centerpieces, there were paper lanterns as the decorations, and she had the person I want to have make my cake do hers. I mean, I'm pretty flexible on the whole issue, especially considering I'm not even close to getting married or even having a boyfriend, but it was still a little strange to think about it as I watched everyone coming and going. The decorations looked fantastic. I was really impressed with how everything worked out.
The things I want to do differently at my reception are pretty simple, but non-negotiable. I WILL be wearing converse. The end. There WILL be a bouncey castle, but only for the adults. It will rock. Also I want to have a candy table with little 'to-go grab bags' that people can fill up with M&Ms and whatever we put on the table. There will be runts and they will all be separated so people only have to take the kinds they want. Brilliant, eh? I plan to hoard most the banana ones for myself. Don't judge. Also, I will not have little goldfish in my fishbowls. They'll be something awesomely exotic, or just colorful betas at least. I will pick out my fish, thank you very much. There were 16 little goldfish last night and I really disliked 3 of them. The rest were cute but those 3 were a creepy pale white-ish color and looked sickly. No bueno. Only fish of complete coolness for me.
Soon I'll be out of the whole wedding mood and life will go back to boring non-eventfulness (non-counting my trip to the Philippines, cuz that's gonna rock!). I mentioned today that I would really like to take my old 10 gallon tank and put a mini aquarium in my room, and my mom sounded like she wasn't halfway opposed to the idea. From past experience I'm taking that to mean that she is persuadable, and since I'm a very persistent brat, I think it'll work out in my favor. Of course this is all with the caviot that I get my room clean enough to actually put a fish tank in it in the first place. There is so much STUFF e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e......I should probably store more of it in the attic. Man, when I get married we won't have to register for hardly anything. I've got a ton of kitchen stuff from when I moved to Provo, I have enough furniture to fill a pretty average sized house, and I have every book and tv series/movie you could possibly want. Well...that's a huge exaggeration, but I feel pretty well prepared. I have so many things being kept up in the attic right now for later use, and the amount of stuff is about to double. I just don't have room in my room (weird sentence, haha). Anywho, back to the fish tank. I'm pretty stoked, not gonna lie. I wanna put purple, blue, and green gravel on the bottom. Not mixed together, but side by side on a diagonal, if that makes any sense. So I'd have purple in the back left corner, blue in the front right corner, and green in the middle, or something like that. Then I have some decorative sandstone rock formations that my parents bought for me on a trip to Yellowstone or somewhere of the like. And then I'm gonna fill the tank with tetras and neon-flourescent fish. They have plenty at Petco and Petsmart. I'm all over this. Boo-freaking-ya.
Anyways, I just felt the need to write something, so here I am, sharing with you this completely useless information. Hope you enjoy it. Buahahaha.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's Do Something

I don't really have anything particular I want to talk about today. I just feel like writing. Actually, I really feel like singing, but it's 3 in the morning and everyone's in bed. That would be rude. Tomorrow is Adam and Katrina's wedding reception, which is totally weird. It was actually really easy to get used to the idea of them being married and Adam being moved out. What's weird right now is thinking, hey....why is the reception tomorrow instead of a MONTH AGO when they got married?? Hahaha. Ah well, I think it's kind of funny. It should be fun tomorrow and I'm a little bit excited, as strange as that may seem.
I made the decision to not go to school this fall or next spring. I feel really good about this decision. Thanks Kristie for your comment on my last post. That actually made me feel a lot better about making my decision. I totally thought I would feel like a failure and a half, but now that I've made the decision, I have absolutely no shame whatsoever. I'm so excited for this semester to officially be over and for me to start my year off. I have so many different things I want to do, and writing is at the top of my list. I've just been building up great ideas over the past few years and I'm really excited to actually try my hand at a few of them. I'd also like to write lyrics. I don't have any music writing ability to speak of as of yet, and I'm not really interested in it ever, but I really like writing lyrics. This is going to be some seriously rockin time off!
I need to find a second job for during the day, which is a little off-putting when I think about all the free time I COULD have, but I need the money and it will be good to have something to do. I plan on still working at Desert Star, but that's only at night and I would like to have a job for mornings and afternoons. I'm thinking of applying at the library (again, haha). I figure that last time I applied I didn't get hired most likely because I wasn't available in the afternoons. Now I'll have a completely open schedule right as all of the college students that work there now are leaving. I'm the perfect candidate in my opinion! Hopefully they agree. Or I could get a job at Target, although I don't know if I'll be able to handle/stand the excessive amounts of stupid people that I'll have to work with. I can handle stupid customers because they leave, and I can handle a few duds when I get to meet a lot of really interesting people as well. I don't know, but I think I'll apply at both places. Does anybody else have any good ideas? I'm open to suggestions, although I will say that I am NOT looking for another job as a server. I'll do customer service, sure, but I think if I have 2 serving jobs I'll start to loath life. :P
One of the major reasons I'm excited about not having school is I feel like I'll have a lot more time to actually have friends. I feel like I've been an indifferent friend lately, and I don't like that at all. I do care, but I need everyone else to know that too. Now I'll actually have time to do the things that I wanna do (ain't got a thing to do with you ~ I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans, excuse my manners if I make a scene!**). This will be good for me. I've been having an enthusiasm struggle lately, but now at the prospect of taking some *me* time, I'm overjoyed! As corny as that sounds...hahaha.