Friday, March 20, 2009

Love, Love Changes Everything

WARNING:  This post contains annoying discussions about things that bug the crap out of me, so if you don't want to be annoyed, don't read it.  You've been warned.  :D
I just have to express my.....current frustration with some people.  Some people are so over worried about things that I personally don't think matter very much.  It's upsetting.  I mean, I hate getting into discussions that are controversial and are going to make people upset, but I'm seriously just sick of sitting around and listening to people say things that I think are so misguided.  
Some people wonder, for instance, why people are so worried about things like language when there are other things like death and torture going on in the world.  Now Mark, chill.  I want to give you my opinion on this and I know you're the one that's gonna get all uppity about the next couple paragraphs :P.  I'm worried about language because language expresses how we feel.  If I swear, that means that I don't respect who I'm talking to/about.  It means that I'm trying to hurt them.  I feel like a lot of problems are started by people who can't control their language.  Also, many people are worried about those other things just as much, but what are they going to do about it?  We have what we have and nothing is going to change that.  We do what we can, but we shouldn't let other things bother us unduly.  
Yes, people are concerned about animals dying and being tortured, and while I am as well, I don't feel like that is such a pressing issue as people make it out to be (sorry).  I honestly feel that the biggest problem is the attitude that people have when they do things like that.  There are people who torture animals because they think it's fun.  That's wrong, I agree.  Those people should be smacked upside the head.  However, all death causes pain, and while I may be disgusted by the way animals are treated in slaughter houses and such, I'm not going to stop eating them.  Protein is important, and without killing animals to eat, the human race wouldn't be here.  Sorry, but it's the truth.  We're not rabbits, so......
People are concerned that we're not doing our part.  Grow up.  Just because we don't flaunt the things we do, doesn't mean we don't care.  We don't always have to stand up and fight for peace.  Sometimes living peacefully is enough.  Sometimes quietly helping without condemning people is the best thing we can do.  I know that I'm being a little hypocritical right now because I'm sitting here ranting, but I'm sorry.  Get over it :P.  
There are things that need our support, and while they may not be perfect, they are still good.  Like the government.  In reality, in truth, we're not going to change the government to the way we want it to run.  Along the lines of Winston Churchhill, democracy SUCKS but it's the best we have.  I personally think that our government would be better with a parliament and universal healthcare, but I still support the government that we have right now.  Even if prop. 8 hadn't passed, I would still support the government.  Until the government goes completely corrupt and takes away the freedoms that I feel are owed to us as citizens, I'm going to support it, no matter how much I might disagree with it.  People who call themselves patriotic and then rebel against the government, misinterpret things, and try to persuade others to rebel with them-those people are NOT Americans!  Sure, there are times when petitions and demonstrations are necessary and good, but I think people get carried away.
The job of the government isn't to please YOU.  The job of the government is to protect the rights of as many of its citizens as it can at one time.  It's impossible to please people who want completely opposite things.  Somebody's going to be upset everytime the government does something, and everybody's going to be upset by the government at some time or another, some more than others.  
Alright, now I know this is annoying and exactly what I said I hate, but I couldn't help it.  I have so many things that I want to say to people, but I don't want to argue.  I want to get my feelings across in a good way, but I'm too impatient to do that sometimes.  That is obviously something I need to work on, but in the meantime, you get this :P.  
The moral of my story is that people do care.  People as a whole will generally tend to make righteous decisions, and when I say righteous I'm not trying to push religion or anything.  I just mean good, healthy decisions.  Well, I guess I am trying to push religion a little, but whatever..... :P.  Haha.  We can only be happy if we want to be.  If we try to take on the burdens of the entire world, we aren't going to be able to help anybody.  We have to help ourselves first, and then help others by means that are possible for us while still maintaining our own happiness.  Once I'm happy, it's easier to help others.  I'm not going to go out of my way to do service when I'm angry at the world, or when I'm sick or unhappy.  Sorry, I know this isn't how it should be, but it's how it is.  I do service and help others when I am happy and my life is in order.  Also, we can't take all the problems of the world on ourselves because that will just make us depressed and make us pity those who are less fortunate than us.  I think one of the most offensive things people can give is pity.  People don't need our pity.  They don't want our pity.  Sometimes people want our silent help.  If we make a big deal of their problems, it is quite possible that more damage is being done than help.  People are proud, and our pity is annoying.
Alright, I'll stop now, for your sakes.  Rant done.  End.  :D 


mckenna said...

Ha ha ha ha!! Awesome. I have to say that I do agree with just about everything you've said there. Not all of it, but definitely most of it. So AMEN to that most. :) (Now I'm totally curious as to who in particular this is directed at and why)> :)

Katie Robertson said...

Oh, it's directed at a LOT of different people. Especially people from my political science class. Gosh, I feel like they spend an entire hour arguing the same point.....

Unknown said...

I think I was mentioned here... This really doesn't upset me. I respect that you have your own beliefs about things.

Much of what I list on facebook, language rant included, is a self-directed joke. There's more to it than that, but we can discuss that later if you want.

People can discuss something that they don't agree about without being argumentative. It's possible to have a dialogue where each person's viewpoint can be expressed and respected. I mention this because you seem concerned here about not being argumentative - which is nice because it shows your concern for other people's feelings. That's, I believe, something commendable.

I agree with you that it is a good idea for a person to get their own life in order before they can really be of much help to other people. Sometimes people focus so much outside of themselves that they are blind to themselves. This is akin to that scripture about removing the mote from your own eye before you try to remove the mote from your brother's eye... or whatever it says, been a long time since I've read it.

But I think some people are also drawn to the idea of losing themselves in the service of others. I know many of those people and they do what they do as "activists" often because of their Christian heritage. They beleive in love, compassion, and service.

Other people who I know believe that there is no God and so it is up to humans to make this life better - to save other people/animals from suffering, to concern themselves with helping the poor, etc.

I haven't been sleeping well lately, so this is a bit groggy... Might not make sense.

Unknown said...

Anyway, most of the LDS vegetarians that I know of claim this scripture as being at least part of their philosophical justification. It's from the Word of Wisdom: "Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;

"And it is pleasing unto Me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine."

---Doctrine and Covenants 89:12,13

They'd say that if eating animals can be avoided, that this scripture points out it would be "pleasing" to the lord to do so.

Stacey-Marie said...

i love katie vents
usually i'm the one venting to you
thanks for sharing
and i agree with pretty much everything :D