Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's Do Something

I don't really have anything particular I want to talk about today. I just feel like writing. Actually, I really feel like singing, but it's 3 in the morning and everyone's in bed. That would be rude. Tomorrow is Adam and Katrina's wedding reception, which is totally weird. It was actually really easy to get used to the idea of them being married and Adam being moved out. What's weird right now is thinking, hey....why is the reception tomorrow instead of a MONTH AGO when they got married?? Hahaha. Ah well, I think it's kind of funny. It should be fun tomorrow and I'm a little bit excited, as strange as that may seem.
I made the decision to not go to school this fall or next spring. I feel really good about this decision. Thanks Kristie for your comment on my last post. That actually made me feel a lot better about making my decision. I totally thought I would feel like a failure and a half, but now that I've made the decision, I have absolutely no shame whatsoever. I'm so excited for this semester to officially be over and for me to start my year off. I have so many different things I want to do, and writing is at the top of my list. I've just been building up great ideas over the past few years and I'm really excited to actually try my hand at a few of them. I'd also like to write lyrics. I don't have any music writing ability to speak of as of yet, and I'm not really interested in it ever, but I really like writing lyrics. This is going to be some seriously rockin time off!
I need to find a second job for during the day, which is a little off-putting when I think about all the free time I COULD have, but I need the money and it will be good to have something to do. I plan on still working at Desert Star, but that's only at night and I would like to have a job for mornings and afternoons. I'm thinking of applying at the library (again, haha). I figure that last time I applied I didn't get hired most likely because I wasn't available in the afternoons. Now I'll have a completely open schedule right as all of the college students that work there now are leaving. I'm the perfect candidate in my opinion! Hopefully they agree. Or I could get a job at Target, although I don't know if I'll be able to handle/stand the excessive amounts of stupid people that I'll have to work with. I can handle stupid customers because they leave, and I can handle a few duds when I get to meet a lot of really interesting people as well. I don't know, but I think I'll apply at both places. Does anybody else have any good ideas? I'm open to suggestions, although I will say that I am NOT looking for another job as a server. I'll do customer service, sure, but I think if I have 2 serving jobs I'll start to loath life. :P
One of the major reasons I'm excited about not having school is I feel like I'll have a lot more time to actually have friends. I feel like I've been an indifferent friend lately, and I don't like that at all. I do care, but I need everyone else to know that too. Now I'll actually have time to do the things that I wanna do (ain't got a thing to do with you ~ I'll eat my candy with the pork and beans, excuse my manners if I make a scene!**). This will be good for me. I've been having an enthusiasm struggle lately, but now at the prospect of taking some *me* time, I'm overjoyed! As corny as that sounds...hahaha.


Kristie said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you!

womanoforangerinds8 said...

I don't understand why you would feel ashamed for taking a break from school? I think it's a great idea—not only for financial reasons and all the others you mentioned, but also because you might change your mind about where you want to go educationally when it's time to return. I changed my mind often enough, and I ended up feeling like I'd wasted kind of a lot of time and money taking dinky classes I hated while I was trying to figure myself out. (Why does it always seem to take forever to explain myself? Maybe that's why I'm good at writing long-winded stories?)

I'm not giving you anymore advice on what types of jobs you should apply for—ha ha—however, I will say that you WILL definitely loathe the customers at Target, even after they leave. That's when it is the worsest...when you end up having to stay inside the building til 4 in the morning cleaning up after lazy jerks! Oh, the the gross stuff you'll find there—used diapers and unfrozen food stuffed in purses, special surprises in unfolded clothes, and the dozens of carts full of peoples' junk they were too lazy to put away. Coworkers will still be crappy, but the good ones I believe are still there. Which section were you thinking of working if applying there?

Katie Robertson said...

The more I think about it the less I want to actually work at Target. I actually don't think the customers would bother me as much as the other people working there. The past few times I've been I've been helped by some really 'special' employees. And not special in a good way. More like, you're a der face.....I can find it myself. It might be fun to apply at Barnes and Noble. Then I'd get an employee discount. How dangerous! hahaha