Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Triangle Man

So I'm sitting around in the Wilkinson Center on BYU's campus, and there's this group of little boys eating next to me.  They keep throwing plastic forks.  It sounds annoying, but it's actually really funny.  Mostly funny because the people in charge of them are getting really super exasperated.  Yay for being immature!  I wanna play too.......
I've had the song Particle Man stuck in my head for a while now.  I find it ironic that it's called Particle Man when Triangle Man hates Particle Man.  They have a fight, Triangle wins.  I feel like Particle Man has been officially jipped!  Universe Man too.  Triangle Man, I mean, really?  Settle down dude.  It's not like you're that cool.  What's your super power?  You're pointy?  Oh boy, I'm terrified.  Particle Man could have all kinds of cool powers, and just think about Universe Man.  He could do anything!  He's like SuperMan!  Stupid Triangle Man.  I've also found a new friend.  His name is Sombrero Man.  You should visit him at  He goes by the alias "Capt. Kill," but don't be fooled.  He is most definitely Sombrero Man.
So I thought of a really cool story idea while I was cleaning the bathroom the other day.  Random, I know, but such is my life.  Get over it.  It's pretty exciting, and solves a lot of the issues I was having with coming up with a satisfactory story.  I kinda combined them all and mingled in a few ideas from some of my choice nerdy television shows that I'm addicted to.  You don't get to know what my idea is though, bahahaha!  Suckers.
I had my blood drawn for the first time yesterday.  I was trying so hard to hold my arm still that I think the girl thought I was going into shock or something.  Haha, fooled her.  I was just really focused on not twitching, and I think it was freaking her out that I was watching her draw the blood too.  It was kind of cool, once I got over the initial FREAKING OUT part.  I'm excited though, too, because now I'm going to get to know what my blood type is.  It's something that isn't important for me to know, but I'm really, really curious.  It's like my own true name from Eragon (an amazing book by the way, read it).  Haha, maybe not quite, but same idea for me.
I've decided that I want to be ambidextrous, so I've been practicing the past couple days.  I've also been practicing texting and typing with one hand.  Ya, I usually text with two hands.  Call me a freak if you want.  :(  Haha, it's kind of fun though.  I'm sitting here typing on my computer with my left hand and eating and texting with my right.  It's an adventure, and while I'm sure people think I'm a freak, but I don't particularly care.  I already know I'm a freak and I like it!

So my quote for this blog is:
"It's easier to persuade people to do what's wrong than it is to persuade people who are doing what's wrong to do right."
I liked this because while it's something that we've all been taught most of our lives, it's said very....succinctly.  It IS easy to talk people into doing what's wrong, and it's even easier to let yourself be talked into doing what's wrong.  Then, when you're doing what's wrong, it's even harder to start doing what's right again because you don't want to face the consequences and judgements of others.  It's a scary place to be, and it's also one of the main reasons that I'm trying my best to surround myself with people who will be an example and not try to persuade me into doing what's wrong.  Also, I'm trying to get to know myself and be comfortable enough with myself that even if I have to face those judgements of others, I won't be bothered by them.  I should be more worried about what's right than what other people think is right.  The end.  :D  Yay!


110)  Be ambidextrous
111)  Type and text with one hand.  Buahaha!


womanoforangerinds8 said...

Have you ever thought of writing magazine articles, essays or a book? You've got a good sense of rhythm, ease and humor. Also, your blog's colors still give me seizures.

Katie Robertson said...

I've thought about writing a book, and I have a totally rad story, like I said. I'm just way to impatient at the moment to actually plan out a long enough plot before I start plowing through. I should really work on that. Plus, I'm too random to write anything normal. Bahaha!