Thursday, February 19, 2009

In a land called Honalee

So my friend and I have been joking recently about my Halloween costume in first grade.  I dressed up as a dinosaur, and I have to say that the costume was pretty freakin sweet.  It made me upset though, because everyone was under the misconception that I was Puff the Magic Dragon.  Who was this Puff fellow anyways I wondered?  I had never heard of him, and I was really quite annoyed that everyone was mistaking me for him!  I was a DINOSAUR, thank you very much....
Anyways, my friend and I were reminiscing about this just the other day and she laughed because I still had no idea who Puff was.  I thought I did, but apparently I was confused with Pete's Dragon.  So many Dragons, so little time....But I have just been shown the error of my ways.  She showed me the video with the song about Puff the Magic Dragon (Just a song, who knew?  I thought it was a movie or something.)
It's a really melancholy song.  I liked it, but it left me feeling a little lonely.  Here it starts out as this fun upbeat song about imagination and fantasy, but ends up with Puff being left all alone for eternity.  His friend that he had grown up with, who was a human, had died.  Puff was immortal and from then on lived by himself in a cave.  Who writes songs like these?  I don't know why it was so sad to me, but whatever.  Here's the link for it too, so you can all watch it and feel sad like I did.  Hahaha.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Devil's Dance Floor

So I am most definitely putting off doing my homework right now.  I have nothing particularly interesting to talk about right now, but I just have to share how brilliantly terrible I was at teaching today.  This little mishap took place in my Book of Mormon class at BYU.  In this class, my teacher has each of us teach one lesson, and today was my turn.  Unfortunately.
Anyways, I had read through the material and had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to say, but when it came time to do it, I went INSANE!  Seriously!!  I couldn't remember what the heck I was talking about or what the heck I had planned.  Everything I said was out of order and nothing I said made any sense.  The TA was kind enough to help me out by being my translator.  Haha....
It was one of those situations where I could tell that everyone else in the class (all five of them) felt bad for me and were getting nervous for me as well.  They were all squirming and it kind of made me want to laugh.  I'm more of a people observer, so having to be the one in charge and not being able to allow myself to get distracted by them is very difficult for me.
Actually, that's not the difficult part.  The difficult part is doing that while still trying to make sense.  That's something that I struggle with anyways.  In retrospect, I see now that this is something I need to practice.  Apparently I don't speak in public much.  My bad.
It's ironic that I had such a hard time today.  I've taught classes before, and I've performed in front of thousands of people for years.  It's not like I was nervous.  I just couldn't think of anything good to say, or a good way to say it.  Blah.  It's something that's never happened to me before.  I felt like I was a little kid who just got up to bear my testimony and froze, then had to have my mom run up and whisper in my ear.  The only problem was that there was no one whispering in my ear today.  Just the whisper of nothing being said as we all sat there awkwardly while I tried to figure out what to talk about next.
I laughed about it, and everyone took it well.  It wasn't embarrassing or anything, just a little...disappointing I guess.  I'll get over it soon enough.  This was just an example to me that I need to practice speaking in public a little more often.  I can write a talk and have it make perfect sense.  It can be as long as I want it to and it will still flow well.  Speaking out loud though, I tend to speak more in a stream of consciousness.  I think of things, and start saying them, but then I start thinking about what I should say next and forget what I'm saying now.  It's kind of strange, but I'll work on it.
One day you will all be impressed by my mad improvisational speaking skills.  Less by the skills and more by the consistency.  Or maybe it'll just be me who's impressed, but that's just fine with me.  Any suggestions?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Run Llama, Run!

So I've just decided that I desperately want to 

112)  Pet a zebra

Just thought I'd let ya'll know.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Triangle Man

So I'm sitting around in the Wilkinson Center on BYU's campus, and there's this group of little boys eating next to me.  They keep throwing plastic forks.  It sounds annoying, but it's actually really funny.  Mostly funny because the people in charge of them are getting really super exasperated.  Yay for being immature!  I wanna play too.......
I've had the song Particle Man stuck in my head for a while now.  I find it ironic that it's called Particle Man when Triangle Man hates Particle Man.  They have a fight, Triangle wins.  I feel like Particle Man has been officially jipped!  Universe Man too.  Triangle Man, I mean, really?  Settle down dude.  It's not like you're that cool.  What's your super power?  You're pointy?  Oh boy, I'm terrified.  Particle Man could have all kinds of cool powers, and just think about Universe Man.  He could do anything!  He's like SuperMan!  Stupid Triangle Man.  I've also found a new friend.  His name is Sombrero Man.  You should visit him at  He goes by the alias "Capt. Kill," but don't be fooled.  He is most definitely Sombrero Man.
So I thought of a really cool story idea while I was cleaning the bathroom the other day.  Random, I know, but such is my life.  Get over it.  It's pretty exciting, and solves a lot of the issues I was having with coming up with a satisfactory story.  I kinda combined them all and mingled in a few ideas from some of my choice nerdy television shows that I'm addicted to.  You don't get to know what my idea is though, bahahaha!  Suckers.
I had my blood drawn for the first time yesterday.  I was trying so hard to hold my arm still that I think the girl thought I was going into shock or something.  Haha, fooled her.  I was just really focused on not twitching, and I think it was freaking her out that I was watching her draw the blood too.  It was kind of cool, once I got over the initial FREAKING OUT part.  I'm excited though, too, because now I'm going to get to know what my blood type is.  It's something that isn't important for me to know, but I'm really, really curious.  It's like my own true name from Eragon (an amazing book by the way, read it).  Haha, maybe not quite, but same idea for me.
I've decided that I want to be ambidextrous, so I've been practicing the past couple days.  I've also been practicing texting and typing with one hand.  Ya, I usually text with two hands.  Call me a freak if you want.  :(  Haha, it's kind of fun though.  I'm sitting here typing on my computer with my left hand and eating and texting with my right.  It's an adventure, and while I'm sure people think I'm a freak, but I don't particularly care.  I already know I'm a freak and I like it!

So my quote for this blog is:
"It's easier to persuade people to do what's wrong than it is to persuade people who are doing what's wrong to do right."
I liked this because while it's something that we've all been taught most of our lives, it's said very....succinctly.  It IS easy to talk people into doing what's wrong, and it's even easier to let yourself be talked into doing what's wrong.  Then, when you're doing what's wrong, it's even harder to start doing what's right again because you don't want to face the consequences and judgements of others.  It's a scary place to be, and it's also one of the main reasons that I'm trying my best to surround myself with people who will be an example and not try to persuade me into doing what's wrong.  Also, I'm trying to get to know myself and be comfortable enough with myself that even if I have to face those judgements of others, I won't be bothered by them.  I should be more worried about what's right than what other people think is right.  The end.  :D  Yay!


110)  Be ambidextrous
111)  Type and text with one hand.  Buahaha!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Why Do I Sing?....Why Do You Breathe?

I know this is my billionth blog today, but I really have nothing better to do.  Hahaha......So yesterday I was driving back to Provo listening to Michael Jackson on my ipod.  Since I haven't been doing Clayton the past few months, I haven't been singing and dancing hardly at all.  I had forgotten a little how much I love it!  I've started taking voice lessons with a professor at BYU (Sorry Kim!  I'm not a traitor, I promise!) and it has given me a little bit of hope that I'll be able to accomplish all the goals that I set for myself that I have been too embarrassed to share with other people.
I love to sing, and I really want to do something amazing with that.  I've been wondering recently whether I would love singing as much if I had never joined Clayton.  I guess I'll never know, but I hope that it wouldn't change.  Maybe I'd be a theatre geek or something.....that's probably the most likely.
So as I was driving in my car I had this big burst of ambition, and I want to hold onto that.  I could really go far if I put all my effort into it.  I've never really put that much effort into anything (I'm not trying to sound snotty or anything).....I'm kind of lazy by default, which has created problems......but then again I'm never really stressed.  Hahaha.....  Someone told me recently that I was one of the hardest workers that they know, and that really surprised me.  It made me want to do better.  If they thought that I was working hard and was growing and developing, imagine how much more I would get out of everything if I put all of my effort into it?  I felt a little guilty when I heard this, as well as a little happy.  If I start putting all my effort into everything, start reading my scriptures more often, start saying my prayers consistently, and do my best rather than just doing what's expected, how much happier will I be?
So I've kind of strayed from the main topic, but it's all connected for me.  I've just realized recently that if I were to sing like I could, by getting out of my comfort zone and by practicing and implementing everything that I'm taught, I think that I could really improve to the point that I want to.  I would like that.  Not that I'd be amazing or anything, but I want to be as good as I can be, and I know that I'm not right now.  I'm not working hard enough to be.  
Someone once said that having potential basically means, you suck right now, but you could be good if you tried.  So whenever I think that I have potential, it's always kind of a negative thing for me, but that's how I feel right now.  I'm not adequate in my own mind because I'm not trying, even though I know I have potential.  Why have something if I'm not gonna do anything with it?  
So this applies to a lot of things, not just singing for me.  Things like school as well.  I settle for mediocre grades or I just memorize things by rote other than actually understanding them.  If I were to put all my effort into learning, how much better would I do?  How much more would I know right now?  A LOT!!  
I remember a talk I heard at EFY about fulfilling the measure of our creation.  That's actually where I first heard the idea of making a list of 100 things I want to do in my life, and I even stole a couple of things from his list and added them to mine (They're still things that I erally want to do though).  I CAN accomplish all of the things on that list, but I'm going to have to put a lot of effort into it for years and years to come.  I have to fulfill the measure of my creation.

Quotes and Goals

One of my favorite quotes is a poem by Marianne Williamson.  It's a poem that has been posted up on the wall of the Clayton studio for years and years, and Kim always read it to inspire us.  I didn't really care until a couple years ago when I actually read it seriously.  Now it's one of my favorite things.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyong measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking 
so that other people won't feel insecure around you. 
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some fo us; it's in everyone,
And as we let our own light shine, 
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."


105)  Be a friendlier person
106)  Be more of a girl!  :P
107)  Glowstick someones yard in the middle of the night
108)  Design and make my own t-shirt
109)  Learn to play the old school Mario theme song on the piano

I Got Sunshine!

So the past few weeks have been amazing for me, and surprisingly emotional, which is weird......  I've been thinking about how unhappy I am in Provo, and how I don't have many friends out here that I do things with.  Thinking about that, I thought about how I never really did anything with anybody in Murray even when I was there, so why is it so different for me now?  
The past few weekends I've gone home and I've made an effort to do something with as many of my friends as I had time to.  It has been the most amazing experience for me.  I realize now how much I've taken these friends for granted.  Stacey, who inadvertantly teaches me something important every time I'm with her and makes me want to be better;  Natalie, has been one of the only constants in my life and has patiently listened to me whine and ramble more than almost anyone else;  Megan, who has seen me in some of my worst moods and is still my friend :P, and who will do the embarrassing, random, immature things with me without making me feel like a freak;  Britney, who I realize I in fact never knew very well, but who I still consider as one of my best friends because she puts up with my nerdiness without flinching;  Sarah, who even though she is much younger than me has always been an example for me through her smile and her friendliness.  There are a lot of others, but these are the ones that I have been around the most and who make me the happiest to be around.  There are of course my brother and my sister.  Adam became my best friend after he got back from his mission, when I was actually old enough to provide him with semi-interesting conversation :P  He is just as much of a nerd as me, and is the best brother I can imagine.  I don't think I could have a better relationship with him and I'm very grateful for him every day of my life.  I'm going to be sad when either of us gets married and moves out for good.  Hopefully we'll be close our whole lives so that we can get together and be freaks.  Ashley is my big sister, even though sometimes it doesn't feel that way  ;P  I know that I've never treated her how I should, and I always regret that.  One of my biggest hopes is that I'll be able to become greater friends with her and be closer to her in the future.  She influenced me a lot when I was younger, and now it's my turn to do the same.  I hope that she knows how much I love her, even if I act embarrassed or condescending.  That's what sisters are for, right....?
My friends are such great examples of how I should be, and I aspire to be like them more now than ever.  I always kind of depended on myself for everything, but now I realize how important it is to depend on strong friends.  I used to think I knew everything.  Now I know that I'm ridiculous, but it's still shocking to me how backwards everything got after high school.  So many people changed because they no longer had to hold onto the expectations that they had with their friends, who they saw every day.  It's a lot easier to drop the ball when you don't have the expectations of others to live up to and learn from.  Although I'm not saying that we should be influenced by how others think we should be, but I'm meaning that it's a lot easier to do things that would have been unacceptable just a year ago knowing that I won't have to face anyone and feel guilty.  Like watching rated R movies.  That is a big one for me.  Not that I've gone crazy and started watching them, but it would be so easy to rationalize if I did.  I've been having a really hard time not getting caught in that.  In high school, when asked if I would watch a bad movie or if I would be the example and walk out, I would've said, walk out!  Of course!  But now that I'm somewhere where watching rated R movies is a common thing, it's a lot harder to hold to my standards.  I guess that's one of the problems of growing up in such a strongly LDS community.  I've been taking for granted the people around me.
I've recently also been having a problem with what I call "life boredom."  My brother called it the "post-mission depression."  The problem is that I have nothing major to work for right now.  Sure, I'm going to college and I'm working for a degree, and I plan to get married in a few years, but those are both such long term things.  I have nothing immediate to look forward to and to keep me motivated.  I've graduated from high school, I've gotten my license, I've moved out, all that jazz.  I've decided that I should set some short term goals to keep myself busy.  One of those goals is to do more things with my friends.  Like I said before, I never really did things with people during high school (Clayton being the major exception to this whole thing).  I was asked to do things a lot, and I pretty much always said, no thank you :D  People stopped inviting me because they knew I would say no.  Irrationally, this made me kind of sad.  It's what I would have done in their place, and why keep bothering to ask me if they know I'm just gonna struggle to come up with a lame reason why I don't want to?  I realized that I have to start saying YES if I want to stay good friends with people.  Hence the busy weekends I've been having lately.  It's a little belated, but I'm having a lot of fun.  I should try being social more often!  Hahaha
Everybody's talking about their New Year's resolutions lately, and that's something that I've never been into much.  I decided that in place of that I would do the list of things I want to do sometime in my life, and then just start working on that.  That will help with my life boredom too, hopefully :P  It should be fun!  I'm trying to get as many people as I can to make their own, because I think it's more fun to work on them with other people.  Like a couple of my friends have never had an all-nighter!  That's just sad, and I would be more than willing to do something random like go glow-stick someone's yard in the middle of the night and then stay up watching movies and making mutant cookies all night with them!  That would take care of something on both of our lists!  I'm really excited to start working on mine, as weird as that is.  I feel like I'm getting more and more immature as the days go's fun!  ;)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sad Day

I feel like a little kid whose mom just brought home a new baby.  I feel unloved....:P  Ah well, I'll get over it.  I'm just used to being the baby.  I also just found out that Neil Patrick Harris is gay.  That's a bummer.  I also was informed that he played Doogie Howser, M.D. as a child.  I got on and checked it out, and it turns out that they have every episode online.  It makes me happy :D  They're funny because they're so old school, haha.  I'm enjoying them so far.

Quotes and Goals

Then I'll still fill you with crumpets, madam.

104)  Learn to speak Klingon fluently