Thursday, January 29, 2009


Well howdy world!  How goes?  I've decided, reluctantly, to enter the wonderful world of blogging.  I figure I have no life anyways, so I might as well feel like I'm doing something productive once in a while, yes?  So anyways, I think for my first post I'm gonna steal Celeste's idea and write up a list of things I wanna do in my life (Sorry Celeste, I stole a few of your individual ideas too, but a lot of them were already the same :P).  Whether it's 100 I don't really care.  I'll add to it as I go along.  Also, these are in no particular order, just the order I think of them.

1)  Touch a live alligator/crocodile
2)  Part one:  Skydive (Check!)
      Part two:  Get my skydiving license
3)  Fall in love
4)  Get married (These two are in order, haha)
5)  Be in a movie
6)  Be in a music video (Preferably my OWN music video :D)
7)  Backpack across Europe
8)  Visit Hungary
9)  Learn over five languages fluently
10)  Go on a cruise
11)  Be in a show on Broadway
12)  Write a book
13)  Have a Chinese firedrill when I'm NOT the driver!
14)  Fork someones yard
15)  Learn to scuba dive (Whether I actually do it after I learn is yet to be decided)
16)  Learn to do a standing backflip
17)  Do a backflip after running up a wall
18)  Slackline without falling
19)  Watch every movie I've ever wanted to see
20)  Become a ninja!  Seriously
21)  Be the voice of an animated character in a movie
22)  Be on a talk show  (A good one like Ellen or Jay Leno)
23)  Have my own private library
24)  Live in another country for over a month
25)  Go to Tibet to listen to the monks singing
26)  Visit Georgia (The country, not the state)
27)  Live in Japan (This is separate from #24)
28)  Be a dancer in a music video
29)  Become famous anonymously
30)  Buy a house with cash
31)  Paint a house
32)  Go hanggliding
33)  Win at Risk
34)  Have a salt water and a fresh water fishtank
35)  Rent a store in the mallj
36)  Rent a place for the night and invite all my friends (like Some Dudes or something)
37)  Have a swimming pool
38)  Have a trampoline
39)  See a total solar eclipse
40)  See an annular solar eclipse
41)  Have the sun pass directly over my head
42)  Come up with a cool new science fiction/fantasy story that could rival Harry Potter
43)  Dye my hair (Temporary only, so chill)
44)  Get a fake tan (This would go well with the dyed hair, just to freak people out)
45)  Ride in a helicopter
46)  Get a passport (Check!)
47)  Pull an all-nighter outside
48)  Sleep for more than 24 hours
49)  Get a degree in Astronomy
50)  Get a degree in Linguistics
51)  Get a degree in Music
52)  Teach dance
53)  Play the piano amazingly
54)  Play the violin
55)  Play the guitar
56)  Play the trumpet
57)  Make my own quilt/blanket
58)  Learn how to decorate cakes and make someones wedding cake
59)  Be a bridesmaid
60)  Go to every state and take a picture of myself in the capital
61)  Become a photographer
62)  Make thousands of people cry for joy  (Tears....but happy!)
63)  Learn how to shoot a gun  (A nice contrast from the last one :P)
64)  Work for the CIA
65)  Be able to jump higher than a car
66)  Own a hotel
67)  Live in a hotel
68)  Have a redheaded kid :D
69)  Adopt a kid
70)  Have twins
71)  Have a nickname that sticks
72)  Design clothes
73)  Draw better
74)  Learn to play the drums
75)  Learn to play the harmonica
76)  Learn how to use computer programs like photoshop...
77)  Be able to do the middle splits
78)  Write my own song and have it published
79)  Record a CD
80)  Ride a gondola in Venice
81)  Go river rafting
82)  Swing on a vine!
83)  Meet someone who's older and reclusive and learn their story
84)  Be friendly to everyone I meet
85)  Dress up like a character from the matrix and walk around and make people nervous
86)  Follow someone with a professional camera and see if people think they're famous
87)  Meet the prophet
88)  Have a drinking fountain in my house
89)  Have a waterfall in my backyard
90)  Have a building with a river running through it
91)  Go into space
92)  Stay at a Benedictine monastery (If girls are allowed to)
93)  Go on an African safari
94)  Write my own Sing-Along Blog
95)  Be in a band
96)  Dress in futuristic clothes for a week (Like a silver jumpsuit :D)
97)  Spend the entire day handcuffed to someone
98)  Play tetris for an entire night straight
99)  Watch all the Star Wars movies in a row
100)  Be in a TV series


womanoforangerinds8 said...

I'm not so sure about mimicking these colors on my blog...they do weird things to my eyeballs. They make the computer keys wink at me. As for your list, &$%# girl...that's a lot of stuff to accomplish in one lifetime! Awesome. How long did it take for you to come up with all of this stuff? I don't think my own list would be more than a dozen or so goals, but I could surprise myself. As morbid as it sounds, I've lately just been trying to make it through each day...sometimes each hour. Life is tiring. I'll work on my list. I have to do a 25 list and now a 100(?!) list. Bye bye!

Katie Robertson said...

Well the 25 list would be PART of the 100 list, so no big deal, right? It took me like, a half hour. I'm sure there will be plenty more, but a lot of them can be done at the same time or really quickly, so it's not really that much. :P

Clestial said...

Hey! Let's help each other with our lists.

I wonder if you'll ever see this comment..

Katie Robertson said...

You betcha I will, hahaha!!! And I totally think so too!! I stole a few things off of your list anyways, so it'll be easier for those things especially. I also want to revise my list a little because, on further inspection, I've decided that I really actually don't wanna do a few of those things. I've thought of better ones to do instead. :D