Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Crumbs From Your Table

I've decided to try to make my blog a little less annoying and a little more fun and interactive. We'll see how that goes (what with all 1 1/2 people that read this). I've been thinking a lot about what fun things to write about and my first topic I've chosen is......(drumroll).......


Now I know this seems totally random, but hey, random is fun right? I've recently noticed a lot of words that bother me, so I thought I'd start keeping a list. Now keep in mind that this was a mental list, and thereby incomplete because my memory SUCKS, but who says I can't add to it later, right? Mauahaha. So here we go.....

1) Supper-It makes me shudder. I want to throw things when I hear people say it.
2) Bathe-I don't know why I hate it so. I can remember in Elementary School the first time I heard it when one of my friends said that she had bathed. I was liked, ummm, you mean bath-ed? No, no, it's bathed. With a long a. Baaaaaaaathd. I hate it. Kill it now.
3) Stew-Now this one's tricky. I think the word's fine if it's pronounced stoo. But it really gets to me when people say it st-ew. Like ewwww! Stew. Like st-(j)ew. Not that I have anything against the word Jew. It's just a suitable pronunciation example. haha. When said st-ew, it makes people sound all prim and proper and fake British. Now if a British person said it and it came out st-ew, I'd be totally fine with that.
4) So I says-I know this one is more of a phrase, but rawr!! It bothers me when people tell a story and use this phrase. So I says to her, how many years have you been speaking English? See? Doesn't that just rankle? Doesn't it irk? It's irksome. Use better grammar.
5) Snack-This one is also tricky. It only bothers me occassionally, and mostly only recently. Snack. Snack. Snaaaaack......I dunno. No me gusta.
6) Slacks-When referring to pants. They're not slacks. They're pants. PANTS.
7) Blouse-Same as above. Just call it a freaking shirt. What are you, an 80 year old homemaker with apple pie on the windowsill? Don't think so. SHIRT.
8) Gouge-This word just makes me itch. It's gross. The end.
9) Lesbian-Whatever the concept, the word itself just bothers me. It's such a slimy phonetic sound. With the lsb sound. Yuck. Admittedly, this one is starting to bother me less and less as I get older. Haha....

Okay.....I'm just making myself all grossed out now. No mas. There are a few other really good ones that I can't think of right now, but maybe I'll remember them soon. There's a somewhat (not really to most people) interesting article I read about how girls are more bothered by words than guys. Being a Linguist, I was intrigued. If you're really bored, here's the link.

Are there any words you can think of that give you the willies? Words you think should die immediately and never be spoken or written again? Words you hate for no apparent reason but make you violently angry when you hear them? Bring. It. On.


Clestial said...

Moist. hehe. "At my most Bad A** I make people feel like they need to take a shower."

womanoforangerinds8 said...

Yeah, I've got a coworker that HATES it when we say moist. She literally shudders. It's funny watching her squirm. I'm going to have to think of my words. I've got lots but can't seem to remember any right now. BTW, Katie, you're awesome. I love how you write. You can totally hear your personality in it. I read it and picture you making all sorts of faces and cackling like the cat lady on Empereror's New Groove.

Katie Robertson said...

So I'm a cat lady now? That explains a lot....

Kristie said...

I really hate the word breast. Awkward, I know. It has nothing to do with what it is, but it makes me cringe. "I'll have a fried chicken breast!" Ew. It just sounds creepy. One word I love on the other hand (you should start a list of that too!) is Damascus. It's a place, I know, I just love saying it. Go ahead, say it out loud. Haha.

Katie Robertson said...

Damascus is indeed a fantastic word. That's gonna be a list later-words I love for no good reason other than they just sound cool. I also hate the word breast. In fact, I should consider adding it to this list....bleh

Katie Robertson said...

Another couple of words I thought of today that I absolutely loathe are 'sensual,' closely followed by 'alluring,' but that one really depends on how it's used.