Thursday, June 4, 2009


So in the spirit of my last post (Which I made about 5 minutes ago....) I would just like to mention my undying, totally teenage-girl LOVE for The Dr.  - What I wouldn't GIVE to be Rose Tyler!!  Sigh.....  I found out that they actually sell life size cardboard cut-outs of the Tardis.  I most definitely want one right now!  I was giggling like a silly little girl for about 20 minutes after I found out.  Oh man.  Talk about truly genius cinema.  The british know what's going on.

So you really must forgive my complete obsession with Dr. Who. I've never heard this song before, but after a short search around Youtube (which is the, I found it and I've gotta say that it makes me just plain giddy. Boo-friggin-YA!

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