Saturday, June 13, 2009

Whatever I Fear

So as I'm sitting here watching my brother play Tales of Symphonia, I'm realizing just how sad my life is. Haha. I've been applying for jobs (not super zealously, I'll admit) with no luck, but it's an ongoing process. I've been meaning to go apply at Jimmy John's since they're hiring, so maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Does anyone have any brilliant ideas of where I could work? And while we're at it, does anyone have any brilliant ideas of where my brother could work? He's been looking for a job for the past couple months and it's much harder for him than it is for me, mostly because he's having to look for a professional job while I'm able to work at fast food places and such. He applied at a company in Boston and for a while I suffered from the fear that he would actually get that one and move out of the state. Bad news for him but good news for me, they didn't want him. Phew!!
Monday is my birthday and today was the day we celebrated as a family. I admit I had a lot of fun, although I always lose when we play a family game (this time being no exception). I will admit to having some serious brother envy though. I'm so used to him being here all the time that it's weird when he's gone every night with his girlfriend. Sigh, guess I'll just have to make some other friends (Yay Celeste!!). I'm excited for my birthday this year, which is strange. It's not like anything all that exciting is happening since I'm just turning nineteen, but for some reason I've been looking forward to it for weeks. Maybe it's because I have nothing else to do that I'm so excited about this. Who knows? Haha :P
I've been trying to be a good girl the past few days and actually get up at a decent time (decent meaning before 12:00). Except for Tuesday, I've actually done pretty well this week. This morning I even got up at 6:00!! That's a big deal for me! Of course I HAD to get up because I had rehearsal, but that's besides the point. It's so much easier to motivate myself to get out of bed when I actually have something worthwhile to do during the day.
Rehearsals have been fun and have given me something to do lately, thank heavens. The rehearsals are for the play Beauty and the Beast at Murray Community Arts in the Park. We start performances next Wednesday and I'm pretty excited about it, not gonna lie. We've all been worried about the run since it's been raining pretty much constantly for the last two weeks, but our director told us that if worst comes to worst we'll just trot on over to Murray High with some set pieces and make do. That's better than cancelling and that's all I was really worried about. The show is pretty stress free for me right now. It's funny because I auditioned for this play on a whim at the last minute and now it's turned into one of the funnest things I've ever done. Ok, maybe not EVER, but it's definitely up there. I'm just really glad that I did it and really greatful that I got in. I've made so many great friends and it's helped me on my quest to be able to do things on my own!!
I have a huge problem with going places without someone else with me. Kind of like how girls can't go to the bathroom without a buddy, I feel like I can't go anywhere without one. I'm always worried about not knowing what to do and just standing around like a tardo or getting lost, but recently I've been forcing myself to do things alone and it's fortunately been turning out very well. It almost makes me wish I'd started doing it before, haha, but not quite. I know this is a silly thing to be so glad about, but I've always felt uncomfortable. It's a nice feeling to start getting over something that's been a problem for years.
Ok, well enough rambling. I'll finish here and leave it for a while again. I'm planning on cutting my hair pretty short after the play is over, and possibly adding some highlights and streaks just for kicks and giggles. I've never done anything with my hair and I figure it'll be fun to try it just once. Plus, my hair grows fast enough that if it looks horrible I won't have to worry about it for long! So anyways, I'll let you know how that turns out!

Open Book

Wordle: Love Today

So to steal this idea from Celeste, this is my Wordle. It's not nearly as cool as hers, but it's still interesting to see. The idea is that it takes the words you use more often and makes them bigger, so apparently I talked a lot about concerts NOW!! Hahaha. I'll make sure that the next time I post a blog, it'll have a little more variety. :P

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So in the spirit of my last post (Which I made about 5 minutes ago....) I would just like to mention my undying, totally teenage-girl LOVE for The Dr.  - What I wouldn't GIVE to be Rose Tyler!!  Sigh.....  I found out that they actually sell life size cardboard cut-outs of the Tardis.  I most definitely want one right now!  I was giggling like a silly little girl for about 20 minutes after I found out.  Oh man.  Talk about truly genius cinema.  The british know what's going on.

So you really must forgive my complete obsession with Dr. Who. I've never heard this song before, but after a short search around Youtube (which is the, I found it and I've gotta say that it makes me just plain giddy. Boo-friggin-YA!

Don't Hassle the Hoff

This has been my favorite music video for a LONG time.  I've never quite been able to decide what my favorite part is.  Is it the dancing disco bear?  The fish in mouth?  The temper tantrum in the air or the flying motorcycle?  The bouncing alien?  The slightly pedofilic insinuations with little girl angels?  The clone Hoff that flies behind himself and grabs his own butt?  Ya, I think it's that one.  I hope you all enjoy this as much as I always have.  I think I'm in love.  Bahahaha!!!